Mylie Lanier
Research Question:How can epigenetics be incorporated into the treatment and research of migraines and neurology?
Thesis Statement:Migraine is an under-diagnosed and under-discussed topic. Conventional western medicine doesn’t utilize new alternative options to treat chronic conditions. However, epigenetics is the revolutionary study of gene expression, and how environmentally induced factors attribute to this condition.
Thesis Paper:
Action Project Description:
My goal for this Ted Talk/media presentation was to explain chronic migraine and the complexity of this debilitating condition. My intent was to discuss incorporating epigenetics into western medicine by examining the XR program developed to treat chronic conditions. My presentation addressed chronic migraine and demonstrates the importance of understanding this condition from the viewpoint of patients. It explains the vast spectrum of treatments used to treat this condition that are taken from other disciplines, thus demonstrating the lack of resources for migraine patients and the need for alternative treatments. The goal of this project was to offer hope and new possibilities to others who suffer from chronic migraine. I wanted to demonstrate the urgency and revolutionary benefits of incorporating epigenetics into migraine treatment. This presentation is a platform for understanding, support, and education