Christopher Atchison
Research Question:How can we address financial and geographical barriers to improve access to healthcare in the United States?
Thesis Statement:In the United States, the most effective way to increase healthcare access is to create more efficient delivery means to streamline access and reduce general costs.
Thesis Paper:
Action Project Description:
The basic requirement for an action project is to solve a problem or fill a need to make a positive impact on others besides yourself. Since our community is currently facing a pandemic, I saw no greater need in our community than initiating herd immunity. I began working with an organization called United Today, Stronger Tomorrow. I helped the organization advocate for funding that Governor Polis would receive for Covid-19 relief. I then researched how that money should be spent, and how to make vaccines more accessible in our area. After working with them for a week or so I began thinking about what percentage of my local community, Animas High School, was vaccinated. After a quick survey I figured out about 55% of the student body had vaccinations but 35% were still looking to get vaccinated. After this, I decided to shift my action to focus on finding vaccinations for my fellow eligible peers. I got in contact with Animas Surgical Hospital and organized a mobile vaccine clinic at our school, while also sending emails for appointments at hospitals to the select student that signed up for vaccine information. In the end I succeeded in vaccinating around 5% of the student body during my project.